When do you seek divorce counselling? Are you contemplating leaving your relationship but aren’t sure if this is the right decision? Or perhaps you and your partner have already decided to end the relationship. Breakups are one of the biggest traumas a person will ever go through especially when children are involved. The more informed you are, the better you are at making the right decisions.

As a relationship and family therapist, I understand that dealing with conflict, separation and change is hard and filled with difficult emotions. I have witnessed families suffering unnecessary pain due to unresolved conflicts and prolonged legal battles. Consequently, I aim to facilitate a separation process that will allow divorcing couples to transition to a future independently with minimal lasting damage. That includes a healthy co-parenting relationship where children are involved.

It can be a difficult, scary and lonely time for many people when a relationship ends. I am here to support you in your decision to “uncouple” and help you navigate the messy divorce process to achieve the best possible solution.

  • Deal with the grieving process of separation or divorce.
  • Understand what is your current legal, financial position and what options are available.
  • De-escalate conflict by exploring a mediation process.
  • Develop communication skills to reduce hostility with your former partner.
  • Evaluate your choices and give you objective feedback.
  • Make smart unemotional decisions about your future.
  • Develop strategies to achieve your goals.
  • Focus on what you can control through this process and let go of what you can’t.
  • Connect you with other professionals such as family lawyers, parenting specialists, and social services.
  • Become emotionally stronger, confident, assertive and in control.

I am an accredited specialist in family mediation. I can help you to negotiate and resolve some or all of the issues relating to parenting, finances and property settlements that you have with your former partner or other family members. However, I do not provide legal or financial advice.

My approach to mediation is a more thoughtful and gentler option for separating/divorcing couples. The combination of my training in counselling and mediation has equipped me well when dealing with highly emotional and conflicted couples. I’m trained to help people regulate their emotions, communicate openly and be more empathetic with each other, so they can negotiate effectively in a calmer emotional environment. It’s in everyone’s best interests to cooperate.

I can help you to:

  • Communicate with one another respectfully.
  • Be empathetic by looking at issues from each other’s perspectives.
  • Understand how your underlying values, beliefs and fear can affect your negotiation in achieving positive outcomes.
  • Identify issues that need to be resolved.
  • Show and share emotions appropriately, instead of acting out or withdrawing.
  • Discuss concerns without blaming each other.
  • Take responsibility for problems, choices, decisions and feelings.
  • Explore ideas and generate options for a solution.
  • Express yourself clearly.
  • Reality test potential solutions.